The revised edition of the most trusted guide in ham radio is here just in time to help you pass the new No-Code Technician Class exams! Used by thousands of ham operators to set up their first shortwave transmitters and to get their licenses, Clay Laster's Beginner's Handbook of Amateur Radio, Fourth Edition delivers all the guidance you need — from radio and electronics fundamentals needed to set up a transmitter to the newest equipment to revisions to the Federal Communications Commission rules and tests. If you want to communicate over the airwaves both locally and globally and listen in on conversations heard by very few, take this book home, and it will take you into the realm of communication, new friends, good times, and technical mastery beyond your dreams.
You get:
Understandable instruction in wave propagation, power supplies, and electronic circuits
Complete study guide for getting your Novice Operator or No-Code Technician Class licenses
Study hints for preparing for FCC exams
Shortwave operator's do's-and-don't's, practices and procedures
Appendix packed with 250 sample examination questions and answers